LAIR / ‘The Gloaming’ / Always Night

March 15, 2021 § Leave a comment

I’m very happy to have a track on the ‘Always Night’ compilation which is beautifully curated by the artist known as Eastern Fear Ritual on his Adaptive Sonic label

All the tracks are influenced by and include bat sounds, with funds from the release going to support Bat Conservation Trust.

“Adaptive Sonic has assembled international talent to join forces with the Bat Conservation Trust for a fundraising effort dedicated to the preservation of our nocturnal friends.

Bats are a vital part of our native wildlife, accounting for almost a third of all mammal species in the UK and occupy a wide range of habitats, such as wetlands, woodlands, farmland, as well as urban areas. They can tell us a lot about the state of the environment, as they are top predators of common nocturnal insects and are sensitive to changes in land use practices. The pressures they face – such as landscape change, agricultural intensification, development, and habitat fragmentation are also relevant to many other wildlife species, making them excellent indicators for the wider health of global wildlife.”

Loads of awesome tracks on this, my current favourite being the compilation’s opener from Hauntist

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